Телефон: +7(8512)702317, факс: +7(8512)600267, e-mail: rts-astra@mail.ru, телефон отдела продаж: +7(8512)600317 или +7(8512)600318 --------------------------------------- огнетушитель ОП и ОУ, пожарный рукав, пожарный щит и стенд, пожарный ствол, пенообразователь, боевая одежда пожарного, пожарный шкаф, гайки головки гр
In the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan there are a number of different companies, which are engaged in the supply of fire-fighting and ships equipment, but to choose one of them is really reliable partner is quite difficult.
What attracts our customers: 1) Excellent quality of products 2) delivery of products to any region of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan 3) delivery of any equipment in apropriate period 4) reasonable price 5) work experience (with foreign companies: Kazakh, Italian, Cyprus, Chinese, American and other) 6) reliability 7) the Guarantee repayment of funds
If You want to start the cooperation, please contact us by clicking on the link here